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*NEW* Lovely Lychee *NEW*
Luxurious Lemonade
Sunset Mango
Rosé Watermelon
Clear Green Apple
Royal Purple Grape
Red Ruby Raspberry


1) All products are intended for analysis and research applications in a safe laboratory only. When testing these research materials, you must use proper safety and lab equipment and take all prudent precautions. These materials are by no means intended for human consumption.
2) Must be 21+ to order.
3) These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We are not responsible for any misuse of this product. Any suspicion of misuse, unlawful purposes, or any other illegal motives that do not pertain to analysis/research applications and/or for GC/MS testing purposes will be refused.
4) We will not ship to states where certain research chemicals are scheduled or having pending legislation. Review your local laws.
5) By placing an order, you acknowledge everything that is stated above and you agree to these terms and conditions.

Bromazolam is not currently scheduled nor approved by the FDA in all 50 states.  These are intended for laboratory analysis and forensic analysis is only.  Available domestically in every state.

Etizolam is scheduled in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, South Carolina, and Virginia. Do not attempt to order to these states. Meaning that if you live in one of these states then I will not accept your order, Fruity Tiz apologizes in advance for the inconvenience